The Goddess and the Opulent King

The Goddess and the Opulent King

The funerary temple of the 18th dynasty king Amenhotep III has yielded another group of Sekhmet statues the goddess of medicine. Amenhotep III ruled at the Epoch of Ancient Egypt's empire and possessed huge resources which he lavished on hundreds perhaps even thousands of statues particularly of himself, the Goddess Sekhmet and Amenhotep's wife Tiye.

Amenhotep III's badly damaged mummy in the Cairo museum displays severe dental problems which probably caused great pain to the king who attempted to placate Sekhmet to relieve him of this pain.

- Another Statue Uncoverd At The Temple Of Amenhotep Iii, Luxor Press Release. The upper portion of a red granite double statue featuring King Amenhotep III (1390-1352 BC) with the falcon-headed sun god Re-Horakhti was found today on the north western side of Amenhotep III’s funerary temple on Luxor’s...

- Big Statue Of Amenhotep Iii Discovered In Luxor
Egypt Stae Information Service A big statue of King Amenhotep III has been discovered by an Egyptian-German archeological mission in Luxor, said an Egyptian official on Friday 21/2/2008. The mission succeeded in collecting 100 pieces of another statue...

- Another Sekhmet Statue Found
Archaeologists working for the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) in the temple of Mut 's second hall at Karnak have discovered a standing statue of the fierce lioness Goddess Sekhmet. The find is unusual as archaeologists working...

- Raising Amenhotep
The northern of two colossal statues which stood in front of the mortuary temple of the 18th dynasty king Amenhotep III who died in the middle of the 14th century bc has been stood up. It is a beastly piece of rubble with the exception that the great...

- The Mummy Of Queen Tiye
The Kings Wife Tiye was wife of King Amenhotep III ca 1350bc and the mother of Amenhotep IV, the heretic Akhenaten. She and Amenhotep historically were probably only children when married and if the record is accurate she probably outlived her husband...

