Surprise Egypt Tombs Yield Ornate Coffins, Dog Mummies

Surprise Egypt Tombs Yield Ornate Coffins, Dog Mummies

National Geographic (Steven Stanek)

Four ancient tombs containing well-preserved mummies and ornate painted coffins have been unearthed in El Faiyum, an oasis about 50 miles (80 kilometers) southwest of Cairo (see map). (See photos of the tomb treasures.)

One female mummy was found wearing a gilded mask, a rare treasure at the site known as the necropolis of Deir el-Banat. The burial complex is a frequent target for modern-day grave robbers and was thought to have been looted of its riches.

"An important point is that these mummies are almost untouched," said Galina A. Belova, a Russian Egyptologist who led the excavation.

"There are not so many [well preserved] mummies in El Faiyum at the moment. They are very rare."

In a separate tomb, the excavators discovered the first completely intact mummy ever found at the necropolis.

The team of U.S. and Russian archaeologists stumbled upon the burials during routine work in a section of the cemetery, which was used from the early fourth century B.C. to the seventh century A.D.

Some 150 other tombs from various periods and dozens of poorly preserved mummies were also unearthed, though most of the graves had been plundered during a rash of robberies in the 20th century.

See the above page for the full story

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