The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt

The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt

Science Blogs

The Egyptian exhibit was far more modest in scale, being contained in one relatively small gallery. However, to me, it was probably more interesting because of the centerpiece of the exhibit, the Edwin Smith Papyrus. This papyrus was named after the American Egyptologist who purchased it in Luxor in 1862 and brought it back to the U.S. The papyrus dates to approximately 1600 B.C. and appears to be a copy of a document that dates back 200-300 years earlier still. What fascinated me is that this papyrus was a practical guide to the treatment of various ailments and embodied the medical thinking of Egyptian physicians of the time. Even more fascinating is that the knowledge contained in the scroll was presented as several cases. Most of the cases were, as might be expected, how to deal with traumatic wounds. There are also included eight magic spells purported to protect against airborne disease, but there is also one for preventing harm from an accidentally swallowed fly. Showing that some things never change, there were also two prescription for cosmetic purposes, one of which was for an ointment to combat a head cold, as well as for "rejuvenation of the skin and repelling of wrinkles, any age spots, any sign of old age, and any fever that may be in the body."

- The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus
Thanks to the Resource Shelf blog for the information that the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is now available online at the Turning the Pages Online website, from where you can load the virtual papyrus, or you can link to it directly by clicking here (it...

- Medical Papyrus On Show For The First Time As part of the exhbition "The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt" that opened last week in New York, a valuable papyrus has gone on display: "The ancient Egyptians left proof of their scientific prowess for people to marvel at for...

- The Art Of Medicine In Ancient Egypt From September 15th to January 15th: " he causes of illnesses were little understood in ancient Egypt, and their prevention and cure was a major concern for most Egyptians—one that informs much of ancient Egyptian art but has...

- The Art Of Medicine In Ancient Egypt (u.s. Exhibition){B83F9585-FEAA-496C-9BCC-4644839921BC Planning a trip to New York later in the year, I was having a look around to see if any Egyptology exhibitions are running or going to run, and I found this...

- The Papyrus Of Ani
Any lived during Egypt's 19th dynasty dying probably around 1275 bc. Though Any's mummy appears to be lost to history his book of the dead is one of the finest and best preserved to have come down to modern times. Any's book of the dead would...

