The Delegation of the European Commission organises its First Photography Competition in Egypt

The Delegation of the European Commission organises its First Photography Competition in Egypt

The European Commission's Delegation to Egypt

The Delegation of the European Commission in Cairo is organising its 1st Photography Competition in Egypt. The theme of the Competition is ‘Egypt: Life in a picture’, and participating photos will need to reflect the different faces and aspects of today's Egypt. The aim of this competition is to promote and stimulate creativity among amateur photographers in Egypt, and to give them an opportunity to showcase their work to a wide audience.

All amateur photographers living in Egypt are invited to participate. A panel of eminent photographers and artists will be judging all entries, and prizes will be awarded to the first two winning photos. The panel will be looking for the photographers' personal vision of life in today's Egypt. Photos may depict human behaviour, scenes of urban or rural life, or Egypt’s physical or natural environment, showing how people interact with their environments and daily existence.

The best 30 photos chosen by the panel will be exhibited in December at a Cairo gallery. A catalogue of these photos will also be printed. In addition, the Delegation will choose 12 photos to include in its 2009 calendar to be distributed widely inside and outside Egypt.

Full details of how to participate in the photo competition can be found at the Delegation’s website:

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