The Destruction of Luxor's Heritage

The Destruction of Luxor's Heritage
Jane Akshar, Luxor resident and writer of the Tour Egypt website's Luxor Blog, has written an article highlighting the damage caused by water and tourism to Luxor monuments: "This is not a new story. It has been happening for some time and has been widely reported in the news, but perhaps many see these ancient monuments, having survived for so many thousands of years, as indestructible. They are not, and many could disappear in our lifetime, with increased irrigation and the impact of the Aswan (high) Dam together with Lake Nassar increasing humidity in the region. The water table is rising annually and the porous limestone and sandstone soak it up. This not only dissolves the rock but also leaves salt deposits".
See the full article for more - it is accompanied by photographs which demonstrate the damage being done.

- The High Dam And Its Negative Effects
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamill) This is a fascinating article, to which a short exerpt simply cannot do justice. Jill Kamill looks at the impacts of the Aswan High Dam on Egypt's heritage - everything from water damage to monuments to the increase in...

- Saving The West Bank Temples In Luxor
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Good news about the problems of the rising of the water table and destruction of the monuments. The problems is that with the building of the Aswan Dam water is now available to the farmer all year round. The temples were...

- Man-made Ecological Threats To Heritage
Egypt Daily Star News The foundations of the ancient Sphinx in the Giza district of Cairo could be in jeopardy due to a rise in the level of the area’s water table, or the level of underground water where the monument stands.Findings by a number of...

- Water Damage At Temple Of Seti I Jane Akshar has updated her Luxor News Blog with a set of photographs demonstrating deteriorating conditions at the temple of Seti I, accompanied by a heartfelt commentary: "I am sorry there is no other word,...

- 5 On The Verge Of Vanishing (USA Today) A feature on the USA Today website picking out five world heritage and environmental areas currently under threat. One of those picked out is the West Bank at Luxor. This problem has been reported on a number of times,...

