Water damage at Temple of Seti I

Water damage at Temple of Seti I

Jane Akshar has updated her Luxor News Blog with a set of photographs demonstrating deteriorating conditions at the temple of Seti I, accompanied by a heartfelt commentary: "I am sorry there is no other word, the rising water damage has always been an issue there and has scared the living daylights out of me but look at this photo. The entire piece is about to fall of and disappear into the trench surrounding it. But it gets worse, the shameful neglect of this site is appalling. there is vegetation growing everywhere and damaging both restoration and pharonic stone. This is the picture of the temple palace, it looks more like a garden than a palace."
The photographs illustrate her point perfectly. See the above page for the photos and the rest of her comments.

- Restoration At The Temple Of Seti I
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/?p=501It is great to see that Jane is back in Luxor, and back at work on her blog. Todays she reports, with lots of photographs, on restoration work being carried out at the Temple of Seti I: "This lovely temple has...

- Decoration Destroyed At Temple Of Seti I
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/?p=416Jane Akshar has been documenting the continued degradation of some parts of the Temple of Seti I, and today has posted images of the latest bad news - a piece of decoration has crumbled away and now lies in...

- Luxor News
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/ Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Luxor News
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/ Jane Akshar's Luxor blog has been updated with news on groundwater damaage at the Temple of Edfu, and the dilemma of what to do about houses that damage tombs at Qurna. There is also a summary of a recent lecture...

- The Destruction Of Luxor's Heritage
http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/waterdamage.htmJane Akshar, Luxor resident and writer of the Tour Egypt website's Luxor Blog, has written an article highlighting the damage caused by water and tourism to Luxor monuments: "This is not a new...

