'The land, my lord, will be lost forever'

'The land, my lord, will be lost forever'


"To the king my lord and my sun: These are the words of your servant, Belit-nesheti [literally, "mistress of lions/lionesses"]. I fall at the king's feet seven times over. I must tell the king that this country is witnessing [acts of] hostility and that the land of the king, my lord, will be lost forever."

A Canaanite queen from one of the cities in Palestine's lowland sent this desperate request in the 14th century B.C.E. to Pharaoh, king of Egypt. The name of the city ruled by Belit-nesheti is not mentioned in this letter or in others that depict violent acts that aroused in her a justified feeling that she was facing a dire threat.

During that period, the city of Gezer, and the Ajalon and Sorek valleys were the scene of events that seriously challenged the rule of Belit-nesheti and other monarchs.

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- The Hammamat Inscription Ca 1990 Bc
Year 2, second month of the first season, day 15, Nibtowere Mentuhotep living forever. His majesty commanded to erect this stelea to his father Min, lord of the highlands in this august primeval mountain........ ..........in order that his ka may be satisfied...

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- The Inventory Stelea
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- The Ebony Shrine Of Deir El Bahari, Ca. 1470 Bce
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