Was a 'mistress of the lionesses' a king in ancient Canaan?

Was a 'mistress of the lionesses' a king in ancient Canaan?

Lab Spaces

A female Canaanite ruler known from the Amarna letters as "mistress of the lionesses" may have been identified on a plaque discovered at Tel Beit Shemesh:
Tel Aviv University archaeologists Prof. Shlomo Bunimovitz and Dr. Zvi Lederman of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations have uncovered an unusual ceramic plaque of a goddess in female dress, suggesting that a mighty female "king" may have ruled the city. If true, they say, the plaque would depict the only known female ruler of the region.

The plaque itself depicts a figure dressed as royal male figures and deities once appeared in Egyptian and Canaanite art. The figure's hairstyle, though, is womanly and its bent arms are holding lotus flowers – attributes given to women. This plaque, art historians suggest, may be an artistic representation of the "Mistress of the Lionesses," a female Canaanite ruler who was known to have sent distress letters to the Pharaoh in Egypt reporting unrest and destruction in her kingdom.

See the above for the full story and an illustration of the plaque.

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