The Riches of Illahun

The Riches of Illahun

An Egyptian mission has found new tombs at the pyramid field of Illahun including a number of well preserved mummies and masks.

- Three Photos Of The Newsly Discovered Faiyum Mummies
Kataweb Thanks to Pierfranco Dotti for the above link. There are three photographs on the above page of the newly discovered mummies in the Faiyum. The photos have been shown in various online articles but it is nice to see all three in the same place....

- Mummies Found In Ancient Egypt Burial Chamber With photograph A necropolis consisting of 53 rock-cut tombs dating to the Middle (ca. 2061-1786 BC) and New (ca. 1569-1081 BC) Kingdoms and the 22nd Dynasty (ca. 931-725 BC) has been discovered by an Egyptian archaeological mission sponsored...

- Second Dynasty Tomb
The Illahun has turned up an intact tomb some 5000 years old, the article contains nice pictures of the find.

- Pretty Mummies
Here some photos from National Geographic on the recent finds of mummies from Illahun.

- Fake Story
Many of my viewers will notice that travelling the internet highway these days is a story about egyptologists finding the burial of Sesostris II. The Kings burial was in fact discovered and cleared well more than a hundred years ago and as a result I...

