Fake Story

Fake Story

Many of my viewers will notice that travelling the internet highway these days is a story about egyptologists finding the burial of Sesostris II. The Kings burial was in fact discovered and cleared well more than a hundred years ago and as a result I am not carrying the story.

If you wish to read about that Kings tomb go here:

Illahun, Kahun and Gurob:


- Kings Tomb Found At Abydos
Archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania's mission to Abydos have found the tomb of an early 13th Dynasty King Sobekhotep. The tomb containing a massive quartzite sarcophagus as well as pieces of canopic jars and a stele. The tomb appears...

- Discovering King Tut
Here is an article on the discovery of Tutankhamun in the Valley of Kings in 1922 and in particular the opening of the boy kings burial chamber on this day 89 years ago. The article is a familiar story involving a most famous cast of Egyptologists. The...

- Reading For A Rainy Day
Here I find myself  on a rainy day with something interesting to re-read the 1890 classic of Egyptian archaeology by the legendary man himself Flinders Petrie, Kahun, Gurob and Hawara....

- Dr. Hawass On Tut And Other Things
This is an interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass on the travelling king Tut exhibition now in New York. For the first time in a long time Dr. Hawass mentions the mask known as Kanefernefer in the St. Louis Art museum which was allegedly stolen out of a storage...

- The Mummies Royal
I cannot believe that I have still not put this book on my blog. If my home was burning and I could only save one book it would be this one. A number of years ago Dr.'s Aidan Dodson and Salima Ikram found a faint inscription on the mummy of unknown...

