The Mummies Royal

The Mummies Royal

I cannot believe that I have still not put this book on my blog.

If my home was burning and I could only save one book it would be this one.

A number of years ago Dr.'s Aidan Dodson and Salima Ikram found a faint inscription on the mummy of unknown women "B" this inscription gave her name as "The great kings wife" Tetishiri.

Queen Tetishiri is well known because her grandson King Ahmosis "the liberator" erected a now famous stelea as well as other monuments in her honor.

The Mummies Royal:

- The Royal Mummies, Immortality In Ancient Egypt
Francis Janot White Star Publishers Italy 2008 ISBN: 978-88-544-0389-5           "What a thrill it is when the portable lamps are lowered down a deep shaft and their light dispels the darkness of a tomb forgotten...

- To The Great Lord Granted Eternal Life
With the arrival of the great cache of Dier el Bahari to the Boulaq museum in 1881 the directors found themselves in the presence of eleven kings of Dynasties 17 -21, ca. 1650 - 945 bce. Also accompanying the kings were seven queens and a number of prince's,...

- Prove It Dr. Hawass!
This article is on Dr. Zahi Hawass's continued examination of all the royal mummies with his new DNA lab. Though I imagine getting DNA from these deteriorated mummies will be difficult. Though the two fetus's were found in King Tutankamen's...

- Anybody Loose A Fetus
This article is on Dr. Zahi Hawass's continued examination of all the royal mummies with his new DNA lab. Though I imagine getting DNA from these deteriorated mummies will be difficult. Though the two fetus's were found in King Tutankamen that...

- Secrets Of Egypt's Lost Queen
Discovery channel's two hour program on finding the mummy of the female king was interesting with amazing access to the royal mummies. However for people like myself who read and watch everything I can on Egypt's mummy collection I could not help...

