The Showboat

The Showboat

This is a very good article on the career and personality of the good Dr. Zahi Hawass.

- The Louvre Suspension
Five fragments of wall paintings in the Louvre were stolen from an Egyptian tomb in 1980 in an area of the Theban necropolis known as "the tombs of the nobles". The Supreme council of antiquities informed the Louvre's director Henri Loyrette who apparently...

- Bad Blood
Here Dr. Hawass gets into the fake Nefertiti argument. Well the art historian has sure done a good job of getting attention for himself. Ignore the tasteless comments at the end of the article.

- Sarcophagus Opening
The good Dr. Zahi Hawass has opened a 2600 year old sarcophagus to reveal a good looking mummy.

- Dr. Hawass's Mission

- Ordinary Egypt
A good story on the discovery of monuments related to Egypt's 13Th and 17Th dynasties.

