The Tomb of Amenhotep

The Tomb of Amenhotep

This tomb has been found at Sheikh abd el- Qurna and there is a nice picture of the tombs painted ceiling.

Here are the statues of Amenhotep and his wife Renena in the Pushkin museum:

All the Egyptian pieces shown on the museums masterpiece page were stolen from Mr. Golenischev by the state during the revolution.

- Lost Tomb Rediscovered The archaeological mission of the University of Brussels has identified the lost tomb C.3 as that of Amenhotep, deputy and son-in-law to Senneferi, the overseer of seal-bearers during the reign of Tuthmosis III (1504-1452 bc). The tomb was...

- In The House Of Millions Of Years
Al Ahram Weekly A lost tomb and a sphinx in Luxor, painted anthropoid coffins in Dahshour and a noble woman's tomb in Saqqara. Nevine El-Aref reports on the most recent discoveries in Egypt It seems that the recent archaeological season has been very...

- The Mummy Of Queen Tiye
The Kings Wife Tiye was wife of King Amenhotep III ca 1350bc and the mother of Amenhotep IV, the heretic Akhenaten. She and Amenhotep historically were probably only children when married and if the record is accurate she probably outlived her husband...

- Saving Kings Tombs In The Valley
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- Image Of Ceiling Of Tt11
A nice picture of the ceiling of the second burial chamber in the tomb.

