Image of Ceiling of TT11

Image of Ceiling of TT11

A nice picture of the ceiling of the second burial chamber in the tomb.

- Modern Technology To Repair Step Pyramid Of Djoser At Saqqara
Past Horizons The 1992 earthquake resulted in the partial collapse of the burial chamber ceiling and raised the very real prospect of the pyramid’s entire central chamber completely failing without intervention. To support the partial collapse of the...

- Ancient Egyptian Gold Found In Luxor By Spanish Archaeologists
Bloomberg Spanish archaeologists digging on the west bank of Luxor, Egypt, have discovered jewelry in a tomb of a state treasurer who lived some 3,500 years ago under the reign of Queen Hatshepsut. The team found five gold earrings and two gold...

- Ancient Gold
Here is an image of the jewelry found in TT11, the tomb of an official of Hatshepsut by the name of Djehuty.

- Tt11
A second burial chamber has been found in the tomb of Djehuty at Dra abu el Naga, the chamber is rare because it is painted and comes from the time of King Hatshepsut.

- The Tomb Of Amenhotep
This tomb has been found at Sheikh abd el- Qurna and there is a nice picture of the tombs painted ceiling. Here are the statues of Amenhotep and his wife Renena in the Pushkin museum:

