Theories, Crackpots, Pyramidiots and Alternative Thought

Theories, Crackpots, Pyramidiots and Alternative Thought
Dated 16th January, this feature from Jimmy Dunn, a Tour Egypt regular writer, discusses emails recieved through the Tour Egypt site concerning "alternative" theories of Egyptology, mainly concerning the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx. He cites a particular website, which he says demonstrates lack of even basic knowledge about Egypt, and offers a number of ways in which Egyptologists differ from alternative theorists in their interpretations.

- Emails Re How The Pyramids Were Built
Someone sent me an email recently with their personal theory about how the Giza pyramids were built. In general I should probably explain that I receive a two or three "how they built the pyramids" emails a month. They are usually well thought out and...

- Travel: Rediscovering Luxor mixed travel article that looks beyond the normal tourist routes and offers alternative ways of enjoying some of what Luxor has to offer. The first part of the article focuses exlusively on the joys of the...

- Cpak 2005 am always wary of including anything associated with "alternative" history, but as the following includes Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch, the subjects of the pyramids and the Sphinx are bound to come up, and may generate some...

- Gilf Kebir Feature - Part 2 The second part of the Tour Egypt feature on the Gilf Kebir appears on the site's home page and on the above URL. This page has a discussion of rock art in the area, and is again accompanied by...

- A British Museum Egyptologist's View - Updated I was having a look for something on the Tour Egypt website, and stumbled across this article. I thought that it might be of interest, so I've added the link to the blog. The introductory text reads:...

