Gilf Kebir Feature - Part 2

Gilf Kebir Feature - Part 2
The second part of the Tour Egypt feature on the Gilf Kebir appears on the site's home page and on the above URL. This page has a discussion of rock art in the area, and is again accompanied by some lovely photographs, as well as a very useful map.
Off-topic, but there's a nice tribute to the spirit of Sharm el-Sheikh following on from the appalling July bombings, on the same website:

- Photos Of The Western Desert
The Western Desert - Roads to Gilf Kebir (photos by Yarko Kobylecky) Some lovely photographs of Dakhleh Oasis, the Gilf Kebir and other Western Desert locations.  The photographs are highly saturated and the contrast is very high, so these are more...

- Online Resource: Inora
International Newsletter on Rock Art For anyone interested in rock art, Egyptian or otherwise, it may be worth checking out the above INORA page. The newsletter is available to download free of charge in PDF format. The most recent issue showing on the...

- Gilf Kebir On Kosmix Content Aggregation Website
Kosmix It cannot be any surprise that I've managed to find yet another excuse for posting about the Gilf Kebir AND managed to combine it with a bit of web tech. The above page is on a site called Kosmix, which currently describes itself as "Beta-ish"...

- Review: Imhotep Museum At Saqqara those interested in the new Imhotep Museum at Saqqara, there's a good feature on the Tour Egypt website at the above address, describing the museum's galleries and the artefacts that...

- Travel: The Gilf Kebir article about the scenery and rock art of the Gilf Kebir: "Rock art is the oldest form of art left by the human race. While few countries are blessed with samples of such art, Egypt enjoys a handful of them....

