Gilf Kebir on Kosmix content aggregation website

Gilf Kebir on Kosmix content aggregation website


It cannot be any surprise that I've managed to find yet another excuse for posting about the Gilf Kebir AND managed to combine it with a bit of web tech.

The above page is on a site called Kosmix, which currently describes itself as "Beta-ish" and describes itself as follows: "Kosmix is a guide to the Web. The site ( lets users explore the Web by topic, presenting a dashboard of relevent videos, photos, news, commentary, opinion, communities and links to related topics. Kosmix’s categorization engine organizes the Internet into magazine-style topic pages, enabling people to navigate the Web. . . . At our core is a sophisticated categorization engine that scours billions of Web pages and structured data points to aggregate, categorize, and return content specifically related to a user's query. Kosmix automatically arranges each set of results into a magazine-style topic page, giving you a mix of immersive content and new connections."

The topic in this case, Gilf Kebir, is presented on a single page but consists of a number of different websites, photos and video clips, all focusing on the area. Content is taken from Wikipedia, Yahoo! Images, YouTube, Flickr, Truveo and elsewhere to assemble what is almost a "portal" page for Gilf Kebir content. Related content is also displayed on the same page.

Potentially, this could be a very useful resource for travellers and information seekers.

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