Theorising about the Great Pyramid

Theorising about the Great Pyramid (New York Times)
A two-page article looking at one man's latest theories about the Great Pyramid and how it was built: "People in search of themselves often look to great challenges: running a marathon, climbing a mountain or learning a new language. Mr. Houdin selected the pyramids as his vehicle for personal reflection, as the salve for his midlife crisis. His was an analytical venture, a quest to explain what appears impossible to prove, at least given the current public record: exactly how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids using about 2.5 million stones, each weighing at least several tons. Now, eight years later, he is ready to present his findings, one step at a time, and in doing so will be remembered either as the man who unlocked the secrets of ancient brilliance or as a bit of an eccentric who merely indulged his imagination." He envisages an internal ramp and a counterweight system, but accepts that he may be proved wrong on both counts. Zahi Hawass has apparently both repudiated the theories and said that there is merit in considering them. See the above pages for the full story.
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