These Ten Mummies

These Ten Mummies

The idea of Mark Antony and Cleopatra being buried together I find absurd and politically unsound for Octavian. I would expect Cleopatra's mummy to have found its way to Rome perhaps and maybe even Mark Antony's head but this I doubt and would expect him to have been cremated and disposed of far away from Cleopatra's remains.

- Video: More Re Search For Cleopatra
National Geographic Archaeologists are hoping to begin excavating three sites at a temple in Egypt soon in an attempt to find the final resting place of doomed lovers Cleopatra and Mark Antony. The temple is located near the northern coastal city of Alexandria...

- The Tomb Of Cleopatra And Antony
Dr. Hawass talks about criticism he has received in regards to the fact that one of his teams is searching for the improbable tomb of Cleopatra VII and her squeeze Mark Antony. The suggestion that the Roman Emperor Octavian would have had his enemies...

- A Dismantled Mausoleum
I am one of those who believe there is no burial to be found for Cleopatra VII, Mark Antony and more than likely Cesarean who's mummies would have potentially been used by Octavian's enemies including the Egyptian population as objects of veneration...

- A Year In Egyptology
This has been a mixed year with some success's such as the return of stolen antiquities to Egypt but also some not so successful excavations. Dr. Zahi Hawass had reported two new tombs in the valley of kings which so far have not materialized as also...

- Buried Together?

