To Your Health

To Your Health

5000 year old wine from the tomb of King Scorpion ! has been found to be spiked possibly for medicinal purposes.

- More Re Herbal Wine
BBC News This has inevitably become a popular story and there are lots of links telling the same story. This one seems to be a fair summary, if you ignore the idiotic title. A team of researchers in the US has discovered traces of a medicinal alcoholic...

- Herbs Added To 5,100-year-old Egyptian Wine Herbs have been detected in wine from the tomb of one of ancient Egypt's first rulers, many centuries before the civilization's known use of herbal remedies in alcoholic beverages, according to a study published Monday. The findings...

- White Wine With Tutankhamun (IOL) "King Tutankhamen, the teenage king of ancient Egypt, headed into the afterlife with the help of a rather decent white wine, the British weekly New Scientist reports in next Saturday's issue.University of Barcelona researchers...

- Tutankhamen And Red Wine"King Tutankhamun was a red wine drinker, according to scientists who have been studying residue left in wine pitchers in the ancient pharaoh's tomb. Wine was a luxury drink in ancient Egypt and bottles...

- Chemical Analysis Of Wine In Tomb Of Tuthankhamun "Spanish scientists have developed the first technique that can determine the color of wine used in ancient jars. They analyzed residues from a jar found in the tomb of King Tut and found that...

