White wine with Tutankhamun

White wine with Tutankhamun

http://tinyurl.com/cjzvf (IOL)
"King Tutankhamen, the teenage king of ancient Egypt, headed into the afterlife with the help of a rather decent white wine, the British weekly New Scientist reports in next Saturday's issue.University of Barcelona researchers in Spain used liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to get the chemical "fingerprint" of residues found in six wine jars found in Tut's tomb. All six contained tartaric acid, which is characteristic of grapes, but only one contained syringic acid, which is only found in the skin of red grapes and gives red wine its colour.Their conclusion is that the other five jars must have contained white wine - a surprise, given that until now the first evidence of white wine in Egypt dated from the third century AD, about 1 500 years after the young pharaoh died."
See the above article for more.

- Online: The Wine Jars Speak: A Text Study
Uppsala Universitet  Wahlberg, Eva-Lena (Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History) Title: The Wine Jars Speak: A text study The Wine Jars Speak: A text...

- Herbs Added To 5,100-year-old Egyptian Wine
philly.com Herbs have been detected in wine from the tomb of one of ancient Egypt's first rulers, many centuries before the civilization's known use of herbal remedies in alcoholic beverages, according to a study published Monday. The findings...

- Tutankhamen And Red Wine
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4379286.stm"King Tutankhamun was a red wine drinker, according to scientists who have been studying residue left in wine pitchers in the ancient pharaoh's tomb. Wine was a luxury drink in ancient Egypt and bottles...

- Chemical Analysis Of Wine In Tomb Of Tuthankhamun
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/03/050326001121.htm "Spanish scientists have developed the first technique that can determine the color of wine used in ancient jars. They analyzed residues from a jar found in the tomb of King Tut and found that...

- Wine With Herbs
This is another article on wine from the tomb of King Scorpion being spiked with herbs http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/04/14/egyptian-wine.html...

