Wine with Herbs

Wine with Herbs

This is another article on wine from the tomb of King Scorpion being spiked with herbs

- Herbs Added To 5,100-year-old Egyptian Wine Herbs have been detected in wine from the tomb of one of ancient Egypt's first rulers, many centuries before the civilization's known use of herbal remedies in alcoholic beverages, according to a study published Monday. The findings...

- White Wine With Tutankhamun (IOL) "King Tutankhamen, the teenage king of ancient Egypt, headed into the afterlife with the help of a rather decent white wine, the British weekly New Scientist reports in next Saturday's issue.University of Barcelona researchers...

- The Toast Of Tutankhamen,11913,1639503,00.html The identification of red wine in the tomb of Tutankhamun really gripped the media's imagination, and stories have still been trickling through about it, all repeating the same...

- Tutankhamen And Red Wine"King Tutankhamun was a red wine drinker, according to scientists who have been studying residue left in wine pitchers in the ancient pharaoh's tomb. Wine was a luxury drink in ancient Egypt and bottles...

- Egyptian Winemaking Methods Still Very Alive article dedicated to the subject of ancient Egyptian wine-making: "There is a wall painting of workers fanning amphoras in a sandbox. Evaporative cooling of the water in the moist sand would...

