Today's Update

Today's Update

Apologies, but due to other engagements today the blog will not be updated until tomorrow, when I will catch up with all the latest news, including Zahi Hawass's most recent response in the St Louis Mask dispute (courtesy of a very welcome contribution from Eric Mueller).
Kind regards

- Update: St Louis Mask (in Arabic)Thanks very much indeed to professional Arabic-English translator Eric Mueller for this email, and the translation of the above article on the Saudi-based Islammemo website. Eric, I am...

- More On The St Louis Mask (St Louis Today) "A top Egyptian antiquities official is demanding the St. Louis Art Museum return the museum's mummy mask amid allegations that the mask (one of the museum's most prized antiquities) was stolen from Egypt...

- A Short Note
Apologies for my absence for the last few days. I have updated the blog with the news from the 2nd February until today, and daily updates will be resumed as from tomorrow. Kind regards Andie Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- The Continuing Story Of Ka-nefer-nefer
The story of the mask called Ka-nefer-nefer in the St. Louis Art Museum appears to be turning on St. Louis in favour of Cairo as the mask clearly is the same mask excavated and shown in excavation photo's of the early 1950's. Lawyers for the museum...

- Not To Forget Kanefernefer
The mask from the St. Louis Art Museum is from the Egypt's 19th dynasty ca. 1250bce and is its star attraction.The mask was found at Sakkara in 1952, the Cairo museum went looking for it in 1959 and found it missing from its holdings. Kanefernefer's...

