Tomb of Horemheb open

Tomb of Horemheb open

Luxor News Blog

Thanks very much to lovely Jane Akshar for posting that the tomb of Horemheb (KV57) has been re-opened in the Valley of the Kings. I have always wanted to see it. Luxor is looking very tempting this winter!

Jane also reports that it looks as though excavations will be beginning again at KV55.

- Floods In The Valley Of The Kings In 1994
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has posted some photographs sent to her by one of her visitors, showing flood damage in the Valley of the Kings and elsewhere. I've never seen rain in Luxor and Jane says that in the seven years that she has been...

- New Tomb Opens At Deir El Medina
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) Jane reports that TT290, the tomb of Irynefer ("Servant in the Place of Truth on the West"), has now opened for tourists. At the same time the tomb of Sennedjem has closed. Jane has provided a good description of the tomb, so...

- Restoration: Seti I Temple
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) There is a very short post from Jane to say that she has been notified that the restoration team are returning to the temple of Seti I at Luxor. My very best wishes to lovely Jane who is having a serious operation in Cairo...

- Jane's World
More backlog! It is great to see how much news is emanating from Jane Akshar' Luxor News blog. Posts are shown by date in descending order (most recent first). This is just a sample of her posts. Obviously go to her site to stay up to date with all...

- A Visit To Gebel Silsila - Speos Of Horemheb Akshar has updated her blog with an account, accompanied by lots of pictures, of her boat trip to the Speos of Horemheb at Gebel Silsila, which looks marvellous. See the above page for full details: "The...

