Tourism: From now until 2011

Tourism: From now until 2011

State Information Service

One million tourists visited in July 2007
One million tourists of various nationalities converged on Egypt in July, up 20 per cent from the corresponding period last year, said Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics chairman Abu Bakr Gendi Monday 17/9/2007.

"Tourist nights reached more than 8.9 million in July, up 18.4 per cent from the same period in 2006," he said in statements that were included in the agency's tourism bulletin.

Sixty per cent of the coming tourists were European.
"Tourists from Mideast countries came in the second place," he added. "Around 276,574 Arab tourists visited Egypt in July, up 2.9 per cent from the corresponding period last year," he added.

Minister of Tourism: Tourists in Egypt hit 9.1 million
During his meeting with Oxford Business Group, Minister of Tourism, Zoheir Garanah, stressed that the total number of tourists in Egypt reached 9.1 million during 2006. "There are 183000 room plus to more than 130000 room under construction," he added.

"The number of tourists is depended on stability in ME and the funds invested by the government in infrastructure for the tourism sector," the minister added.

"Efforts that were exerted to provide airports reflect the volume of investments in Egypt," he said, pointing out that there are several projects which will be completed by the end of this summer.

The Minister said to the Oxford Business Group that the ministry has a programme to develop the tourism in Egypt over the coming 15 years.

Plan to increase tourists to 14 million in 2011

Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif received a report by Minister of Tourism Zohair Garana on the ministry's plans to increase the number of tourists to reach 14 million by 2011 in implementation of President Hosni Mubarak's electoral programme.

The report referred to the ministry's target of 140 million tourist nights and the strategy to increase the hotel accommodation capacity to 240,000 rooms by 2011 through various upgrading plans.

The ministry plans to attract tourists for safari, golf, yachts, conferences, shopping and treatment, according to the report.

The ministry also plans to encourage tourist investments and promote tourist services as well.

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