Tourism: VOK Tomb openings

Tourism: VOK Tomb openings

Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar)

Thanks to Jane for the information that KV2 (Ramesses IV) is closed and KV34 (Thutmosis III) is open.

- All Sites In Luxor Open For Tourists
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane has been keeping readers updated with the situation at Karnak. Mansour Boraik of the SCA phoned Jane to reiterate that ALL sites in Upper Egypt are open and welcome visitors. Jane had to explain that the lack of tourists...

- More From Jane In Luxor, Where Things Remain Quiet
Jane Akshar's IT adviser Colette has been in touch with Jane and has recorded an interview with her. If you are planning to take a holiday with Jane's company please get in touch with her on her mobile phone. To see Jane's view on the current...

- An Opening, Closures And A Theft On The West Bank, Luxor
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Thanks to Jane for the information that TT290 (Irynefer) has closed and that TT1 (Senedjem) has now re-opened. Also, very sadly, the storeroom and the gorgeous little museum at the Temple of Merenptah have been closed due...

- New Tomb Opens At Deir El Medina
Luxor News (Jane Akshar) Jane reports that TT290, the tomb of Irynefer ("Servant in the Place of Truth on the West"), has now opened for tourists. At the same time the tomb of Sennedjem has closed. Jane has provided a good description of the tomb, so...

- Jane's World
More backlog! It is great to see how much news is emanating from Jane Akshar' Luxor News blog. Posts are shown by date in descending order (most recent first). This is just a sample of her posts. Obviously go to her site to stay up to date with all...

