Tourism updates

Tourism updates

The new tourist souvenirs
"The annual arrival of 8 million tourists to Egypt has resulted in the opening of a number of new money exchangers in Cairo and souvenirs shops that are tapping into the taste for a less cliché keepsake; offering products make in the desert oasis of Fayoum, Dakla and Siwa.
In these new style craft shops tourists feel a wholesomeness about the fact that their money is returning to a community-based project. And they are loading up with scarves, pashminas, ethnic style jewellery, home-made greeting cards and wooden or clay household items.
The modern tourist has a new shopping list, passing over the busts of Tutenkamun and papyrus book marks for boxes of Viagra, Cleopatra cigarettes and antique doors that can be the cornerstone of a new house back home."

Harbours to be upgraded
"The Ministry of Tourism said that it had earmarked around LE 53 million to upgrade civil defence tools at the Luxor harbours. Civil Defence reports said that the Ministry of Tourism would start an overhaul process to modernise the harbours of Luxor on the latest international standards."

- Egypt's Tourism Stronger In 2007
Egyptian Gazette (URL will expire shortly - navigate to Tourism link) By Salah Attia: The clock is ticking down to bid farewell to one of the bleakest years, locally, regionally and internationally. Worse, hours before 2007 would fade away ex-Pakistani...

- 25 Million Tourists To Egypt By 2020
Egypt State Information Service Minister of Tourism Zohier Garana said in his meeting with members of the US Chamber of Commerce that the ministry aims to increase number of tourists in Egypt to reach 25 million tourists by year 2020. He said that...

- Faiyum On Ecotourism Map"The Egyptian tourism product is unique and rich in diversity. Until now, it hasn't been yet covered and there are lots of tourism products in Egypt that are still not used properly. Let's take a look at...

- Tourism In Aswan will only be here for today. It is too long to copy in its entirety into the blog, so if you're interested in the article, today is the day. Following the success of the tourists visiting Abu Simbel to see...

- Luxor Airport Upgraded President Mubarak opened the expansion and upgrade work at Luxor International Airport with a speech to the Supreme Tourism Council. The upgrade to Luxor airport "includes six arrival and departure halls, one...

