Toutankhamon Magazine

Toutankhamon Magazine
The french magazine Touthankhamon is now available (issue 23, October/November 2005). Its main feature this month concerns the pyramids from Abu Roash to Meroe. Other features are as follows:

Actualités :
- conférence de Toulouse
Dossier :
- Au royaume des pyramides, d'Abou Roach à Méroé
- Les théories de constructions, les textes des pyramides, l'évolution du complexe pyramidal
Égyptologie :
- géologie de la vallée des rois
- le culte funéraire à l'Ancien Empire
- Erostime et séduction
- Les fondations
Biographie :
- Amenhotep III, le pharaon oublié
Carnet de route :
- Wadi Hammamat
Et aussi :
- Le grand sphinx de Guizeh
- Une statue royale d'un souverain amarnien
- C'est quoi un pilier osiriaq

There is also a full hieroglyph course in PDF format at:

- Toutankhamon Magazine June/july Thanks to Francois Tonic for the information that issue number 33 (June/July) of Toutankhamon Magazine is now available (in French). For full details see the above page. - L'énigme des pyramides - Thoutmosis IV et...

- Toutankhamon Magazine - August/september 2006 magazine, no.28 (August/September 2006) is now available in French. Contents are listed below: Actualités :Le Musée Imhotep de Saqqarah Les dernières fouilles de Karnak, avec l'interview du...

- Toutankhamon Magazine Thanks to Francois Tonic for the information that the most recent issue of Toutankhamon Magazine is now avaible (French only). The contents are as follows: Biographie:Les grandes reines de l'Égypte ancienne Sésostris...

- Toutankhamon Magazine Issue 26 to Francois Tonic for the information that the latest issue of Toutankhamon Magazine is out (Issue 26). Details are available at the above address. The contents for Issue 26 are listed below. Actualités :- TOUTES...

- Toutankhamon Magazine, February Edition The February edition of the french language Egyptology magazine Toutankhamon (no.25) is now out. Subscription details are available on the above website. This month's contents include: Feature : Les Tresors De La Vallee...

