Travel: Egypt trip is a once-in-lifetime adventure

Travel: Egypt trip is a once-in-lifetime adventure

The News Star

"Big, gigantic ... no, I'd probably say huge-normous — and old — very, very old."

These were the words Sidney Wilhite of West Monroe kept repeating over and over again as he sat in my travel agency. His redundant use of the same adjectives — just with different inflections each time they were used — was not only humorous but quite understandable considering the man had just returned home from a 12-day trip of Egypt and the Holy Land.

As a travel agent, I always hold my breath whenever a client calls from the airport or comes by to see you the minute he arrives back in town. Yet, one look at Sidney's face and you could see he wanted to talk about the trip he had just completed with wife Charline and her parents, Don and Ethel Wilkes.

"Everything you have ever read about is just right there! We had no ordinary moments," Sidney said, "because, just when you think you have seen it all, bam! There's another temple, pyramid, or tomb even greater and grander. It makes you just stand back and wonder how in the world could they have piled those rocks so high?"

See the above page for more.

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