Travel: Gilf Kebir

Travel: Gilf Kebir

Gilf Kebir, meaning something like 'Great Wilderness' in Arabic, is almost 8,000 km², larger than many European countries. Seen from space, it is an almost circular plateau made from limestone and sandstone. The mountainous structures runs out into the red desert sand resembling a heap of oak leaves.The area has no settlements, but catches some rainfall, and there is some fauna and flora. There is limited animal life, too, but today, desert foxes are the largest creatures around. The Gilf is another Saharan location with rich rock art dating back to prehistory.

This is a very brief summary. See the above page for the remainder, which is accompanied by three excellent photographs which just make me want to pack my bags and go right now.

There's a link at the bottom of the page to brief details of the Uweinat Mountain (on the Sudan/Libya/Egypt crossroads) with a photograph.

- Photos Of The Western Desert
The Western Desert - Roads to Gilf Kebir (photos by Yarko Kobylecky) Some lovely photographs of Dakhleh Oasis, the Gilf Kebir and other Western Desert locations.  The photographs are highly saturated and the contrast is very high, so these are more...

- Daily Photo - Gilf Kebir
For reasons unknown, the only photos of Egypt that I have stored on my laptop are of the Gilf Kebir, so it was a choice of giving you more photos of north Wales, a rather nice collection from Italy, or photos of the Western Desert! So the Gilf it is....

- Daily Photo - 8 Bells
The word "Eight Bells" and an arrow pointing north are spelled out in empty cans of aviation fuel at the south of the Gilf Kebir. The cans mark an aircraft landing site, which was used during the Second World War by the RAF in Egypt. The need for a landing...

- Travel: The Gilf Kebir article about the scenery and rock art of the Gilf Kebir: "Rock art is the oldest form of art left by the human race. While few countries are blessed with samples of such art, Egypt enjoys a handful of them....

- Gilf Kebir Feature The Tour Egypt website has been updated this week with a feature on the Gilf Kebir, by Allan Watson. The Gilf Kebir is in one of the driest areas of the world - rainfall is so meagre that it cannot...

