Travel: Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria

Travel: Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria

Al Ahram Weekly

A lovely photograph and a short explanation.

THE GLAMOROUS coastal city of Alexandria never stops amazing us, as Mohamed El-Hebeishy finds out.

The Romans cherished art, and it is said that in every Roman city or town there was at least one amphitheatre. By definition, an amphitheatre is an open-air theatre that hosts theatrical performances, sports or shows.

When Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, finally fell to the hands of the Arab army, after a tormenting 14-month siege in 640 AD, the leading commander Amr Ibn Al-Aas wrote to the Muslim Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab to inform him of the good news. In his message, he stressed the fact that among the city's establishments were about 400 Roman theatres and places of entertainment. Unfortunately, time and negligence have all but obliterated these 400 plus venues.

See the above page for more.

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