Travel: Luxuriating in Luxor

Travel: Luxuriating in Luxor

CNN (video)
(Richard Quest)

A video report about spending some free time in Luxor, with some rather nice footage of a hot air balloon, sites at Luxor and the Nile, including a short report about excavations at Karnak. A short and very curtailed text summary of the article is available on the site.

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Chicago House Report 2007-2009
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Chicago House report 2007-2009 by Ray Johnson Sadly the last lecture in this season, what am I going to do on Saturday nights now. Nice to finish with Ray, as one person commented they had no idea just how much Chicago House...

- Video: Treasures Discovered In Egypt
BBC News (Christian Fraser) Thanks to Vincent Brown's Talking Pyramids blog for highlighting this video. It lasts for over two minutes and offers a short overview of some recent discoveries and some ongoing problems in Egyptian archaeology. There's...

- Cairo Bombing
BBC News video There are many accounts about this atrocity all over the web. The above is just one, by a respected news source, Unfortunately my PC's speakers chose tonight of all nights to fail, so I haven't heard this report but the above link...

- Ancient Artifact At Siu Museum To Return To Egypt
WSIL TV Video report re the return to Egypt of the lovely cat coffin, which has some nice shots of the artefact under discussion. This requires the most recent version QuickTime (an older version on my machine played the talk-over but didn't show...

- Hatshepsut At The Met Closes On July 9th A short summary of the exhibition on the WCBS TV website is accompanied by a video showing footage of the exhibition.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

