Travel guide: Egypt's Mediterranean

Travel guide: Egypt's Mediterranean
Description, with input from the authors, of a travel guide to Egypt's Mediterranean: "Egypt’s Mediterranean coast is associated with leisurely summer holidays where the vacationers lounge on the white sandy beaches and swim in the cool, choppy waters of the Mediterranean. For the most part, holidaymakers stay within the confines of the resort compounds that have pervaded the coastal beaches. From the Western village of Sallum bordering Libya, to the beaches of Rafah on the East, Egypt’s sprawling Mediterranean coast has a lot more to offer than a relaxing spot to pitch an umbrella on the beach. Jenny Jobbins, along with Mary Megalli, trekked along the coast to provide an essential traveler’s guide for the more adventurous holidaymakers who want to discover the area’s rich history and natural heritage."
The book is: Alexandria and the Egyptian Mediterranean: A Traveler’s Guide by Jenny Jobbins and Mary Megalli, American University in Cairo Press, 2006 (new and revised edition). Paperback.

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