Travellers in Egypt - Robert Hay

Travellers in Egypt - Robert Hay
The Travellers in Egypt website has been updated recently with an article about Robert Hay. A long and fascinating article, it discusses Hay's life in the context of his travels to Egypt and his activities while visiting there during the late 1820s and early 1830s. His work was never published in full, but he did detailed architectural plans. "In the spring of 1834, Robert Hay sailed away from Egypt for the last time. He had spent more than eight years recording the ancient temples and tombs along the Nile, not merely with sketches and brief descriptions, as earlier travelers had done, but completely, with architectural plans and detailed copies of the murals and inscriptions. It was a vast project, one of the most thorough ever undertaken in Egyptology’s early days". The site is well worth a visit, and I'll add a link to it on the Egyptology Portal site.

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- David Roberts, R.a. Further to my mention in the previous posting of David Roberts, whose paintings I love, there is a small feature about him on the above Travellers in Egypt website, which also contains...

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- Travellers In Egypt
Lotus and Pyramid: Constance - Constance Sitwell, 1928 "I am sitting on the window-sill in my room eating sugar-cane. It is so juicy and fresh one could go on nibbling at it all day....

