Travellers in Egypt

Travellers in Egypt

Lotus and Pyramid: Constance - Constance Sitwell, 1928
"I am sitting on the window-sill in my room eating sugar-cane. It is so juicy and fresh one could go on nibbling at it all day. The Soudanese servant, in a green cap and full green trousers, just now brought in a basket-full cut up into pieces, and set it down on the floor with a wide smile. My window is high above the ground; beneath, the whitewashed walls of the hotel ache in the midday glare; across the sand I can see the two great Pyramids, all their colour bleached out by the fierce light. But early this morning they looked very different. Just as the sun rose I came to this window and saw them standing there drowsily splendid, a tigerish gold set on the tigerish sand".
An extract from "Lotus and Pyramid" by Constance Sitwell in 1928, on the Travellers In Egypt website. See the site to read more.
From Egypt and Nubia - by J.A. St. John, 1845
Adventures during a Visit to Lake Mœris: "the artificial sea of Mœris, quivering and glittering in the sun; and, in the distance forming the majestic background of the picture, a range of rocky mountains, of commanding elevation, arid, frowning, desolate, but invested with an air of gloomy grandeur highly congenial to the state of mind in which I viewed them". This is a long but lovely extract from "Egypt and Nubia" by J.A. St John, dating to 1845

- A 1371 View Of The Great Pyramids lovely extract from something written about Egypt in another era, this time by Jehan De Mandeville, or Sir John Mandeville, who compiled a travel book published by 1371, and...

- David Roberts, R.a. Further to my mention in the previous posting of David Roberts, whose paintings I love, there is a small feature about him on the above Travellers in Egypt website, which also contains...

- Belzoni's Account Of The Tomb Of Seti I The Travellers in Egypt website has another great crop of articles. This one is an extract from Belzoni's Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries Within the Pyramids,...

- More From "travellers In Egypt" The most recent offering is an excerpt from "Orient Line Guide - Chapters for travellers by sea and by land" entitled "From Suez to Cairo" (London, 1890). It is a narrative description,...

- Travellers In Egypt - Robert Hay The Travellers in Egypt website has been updated recently with an article about Robert Hay. A long and fascinating article, it discusses Hay's life in the context of his travels...

