Tutankhamun and Tutmania

Tutankhamun and Tutmania

http://tinyurl.com/yhe8lj (dailylobo.com)
"Emily Teeter said Tut-mania didn't begin until after museums started exploiting ancient Egyptian artifacts with traveling shows.Teeter, an Egyptologist at the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, gave a lecture titled Tutankhamun: How His Treasures Changed Our World, Thursday in the Hibben Center. She discussed the global impact of the discovery of King Tut's tomb.She said the tomb's discovery changed people's expectations of the museum experience and the government and businesses' function in the exchange of artifacts. In 1976, Cairo allowed 55 of the tomb's pieces to leave Egypt and be revealed in several cities around the United States.Teeter was an assistant curator of that show."
See the above for the full article.

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