Two new exhibitions in Chicago

Two new exhibitions in Chicago
Thanks for the EEF News Digest (email version) for the above feature on the Oriental Institute website. Running from 23th May 2006 until 31st December 31 2006, are two new exhibitions at the Oriental Institute Museum.
The first is Wonderful Things! The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun; The Harry Burton Photographs consisting of 50 of the most exciting images documented by photographer Harry Burton, who took more than fourteen-hundred large format black and white images of the excavation as it progressed, and the artefacts that emerged.
The second of the two exhibitions that opened earlier this week is The Ancient Near East in the Time of Tutankhamun: "This exhibit presents special labeling of the permanent galleries devoted to ancient Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Israel and Palestine, highlighting objects that are contemporary with Tutankhamun (ca. 1325 B.C.), to give the visitor a broader appreciation of the era."
The Oriental Institute Museum's website can be found at:

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