Un monument à un grand égyptologue russe

Un monument à un grand égyptologue russe

Thanks to EEF for this article from their newsletter, which I missed on the 1st March: "Un monument au célèbre égyptologue russe Vladimir Golenichtchev (1856-1947) sera inauguré mercredi soir au Caire, selon des sources officielles. Le vice-président de l'Académie des Sciences de Russie Nikolaï Platé assistera à la cérémonie d'inauguration, qui se déroulera devant le Musée national du Caire. La collection rassemblée par Vladimir Golenichtchev, qui a consacré sa vie à l'étude de l'Egypte antique, comprenait plus de six mille objets. Considérée comme l'une des meilleures au monde, elle est devenue la base de la collection du Musée des beaux-arts Pouchkine de Moscou."
Rough translation: A monument to the celebrated Russian Egyptologist Valdimir Golenichtchev (1856-1947) will be officially unveiled on Wednesday night in Cairo, according to official sources. The vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nikolaï Platé, will attend the ceremony before the National Museum of Cairo. The collection assembled by Vladimir Golenichtchev, who dedicated his life to the study of Ancient Egypt, comprises more than six thousand objects. Considered one of the best int he world, the collection forms the foundation of hte collection of the Musée des beaux-arts Pouchkine de Moscou.

The EEF Newsletter will be online at some point today, at its usual location:

- Exhibition: Un Jour, J’achetai Une Momie
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- Eef
http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4482/EEFNEWS.html The Weekly digest of EEF should be on the site at the above address later today, with its usual collection of exhibitions, lectures, online publications and more.Egyptology News Blog, Andie...

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