Update - Egypt's Ancient Climate

Update - Egypt's Ancient Climate

Another article about research being taken out in order to understand Egypt's climate around 130,000 years ago. It is hoped that the research could shed light on the possible role weather and climate played in the dispersal of humans "out of Africa" and into Europe and Asia.

- Conference: Pre-modern Climate Change
University of Copenhagen Pre-Modern Climate Change. Causes and Human Responses 21st - 23rd October 2009 Climate, and human responses to it, plays an integral part in the formation of society. Thus when climate change occurs, the result of either natural...

- Conference: Pre-modern Climate Change
University of Copenhagen This may be of interest to anyone who is looking at the impact of climate change on ancient civilizations and prehistoric socieities. Climate, and human responses to it, plays an integral part in the formation of society. Thus...

- Off-topic - Conference: Weather, Climate Change, And British Farming In Historical Perspective
Okay, this one really is slightly bizarre for this blog. But if you're interested in the subject of climate change (which if you're interested in the prehistory of Egypt you probably will be) and you're located in the UK then this might be...

- Book Reviews: Impacts Of Climate On Ancient Civilizations
http://www.geotimes.org/current/geomedia.html#review2Book review of The Winds of Change by Eugene Linden. Long term visitors will know that I am interested in past climate change, and its impacts (or otherwise) on human occupation patterns. The above...

- Clues To Climate Change In Egypt's Past
http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/04/08/earth.past.future/index.html?section=cnn_latest "Harvey Weiss, professor of archaeology at Yale University, says climate change was a fact of life for earlier civilizations. From pharaohs to the medieval Vikings,...

