To celebrate LGBT History Month, the UCL Petrie Museum has created an LGBT History Trail of objects that tell of homosexuality in ancient Egypt. It also considers some of the mythology and stories that construct ancient Egyptian sexuality. John Johnston, who is pursuing a PhD in UCL Archaeology, describes a few of the objects on display. Along with reliefs and sculptures, objects include a papyrus from the 12th dynasty (1991-1782 BC), relating the tale of Horus and Set's encounter.
The last time I saw John we were both serving wine at the Friends of the Petrie Summer Party, which was a great occasion. Somehow John's partner, who has nothing to do with either Egypt or the Petrie, had got reigned in so serve drinks as well! John is a lovely guy and it is great to see him giving this mini tour of some of the artefacts from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.
- Petrie Launches Egypt Partnership
Museums Association (Geraldine Kendall) The Petrie Museum holds over 80,000 Egyptian artefacts but can only display 10% of its collection. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology has launched a collections partnership with the Egyptian Educational Centre...
- Friends Of The Petrie On You Tube
Thanks to Jan Picton (Secretary, Friends of the Petrie) for the following information. The Friends of the Petrie Museum have received an unusual donation from PMF committee member, Gillian Mosely. Gillian is the Director of Medialab, a concept house that...
- Publication Appeal: Unseen Images
Friends of the Petrie Museum I am very attached to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London, U.K.), so here's a ruthless appeal on the behalf of their forthcoming publication, which looks like an excellent enterprise. An appeal for the publication...
- Exhibitions: Great Discoveries From The Petrie Museum ( It is nice to see that the labouriously named exhibition Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology is still getting good publicity as it continues on its travels around...
- Petrie Book Auction On Wednesday 12th July The Friends of the Petrie Museum will be holding their annual book auction in Room G6, Institute of Archaeology (University College London), 30 Gordon Square. Email...