Virtual tour of the great museum collections

Virtual tour of the great museum collections

Google Art Project

Thanks to The Art of Counting blog for pointing to Google's Art Project. It includes a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (amongst many other great collections). Particularly powerful are the floor plans, which allow you to navigate to the right part of the museum for the subject in which you are interested.

- Online: Virtual Tour Of The Tomb Of Djehuty
Luxor News Blog Thanks to Jane Akshar for publishing a virtual tour, in video, of the tomb of Djehuty on the above page. If you speak Spanish full details of the Djehuty excavation can be found on the Project's website. A briefer English version,...

- Google Funding For Discovery Of Ancient Texts Online
AlphaGalileo A University of Southampton researcher is part of a team which has just secured funding from Google to make the classics and other ancient texts easy to discover and access online. Leif Isaksen at the University's School of Electronics...

- The 3d Giza Plateau & Virtual Archaeology
Talking Pyramids (Vincent Brown) With photos and 2 minute preview video. The Giza Archives Project at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has for many years been the most extensive online resource on the archaeology of the Giza Plateau. Much of the archived...

- Eton Myers Collection Virtual Museum + Sudan Archive Digitisation
JISC - Eton Myers Thanks very much to Jonathan Calvert for pointing me at this site. The Eton Myers Collection Virtual Museum will provide the centre piece of the University of Birmingham’s Virtual Worlds Laboratory (VWL), by providing virtual access...

- Cemetery G2100 Virtual Exhibit The exhibit recreates 10 mastaba-tombs from Cemetery G 2100 of Giza Necropolis in both Second Life and Google Earth virtual worlds. The majority of the archaeological diagrams and photographs used to create the models were made by the Harvard...

