Who Names These Things ?

Who Names These Things ?

A super x-ray diamond synchrotron will be used to investigate Egyptian bronze statues and mummies with light brighter than the sun. Just love the picture of Meresamun and the machine needs a new name, in the future I think I will call it "Spot".


- X-ray Imaging And Coherence Facility
Photonicsonline Thanks to Kat for picking this one up. As she says it is not specific to Ancient Egypt but it is certainly relevant. The University of Manchester has joined forces with Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron science facility,...

- Video: Meresamun
Discovery News See the above page for the video. The face of Meresamun, a priestess who sang in the temples of Ancient Egypt hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, has been revealed to the world for the first time thanks to a X-ray with a light...

- Particle Accelerator May Shed New Light On Ancient Egypt
The Times Online (Mark Henderson) A scientific instrument is to transform research into the Ancient World by using a light ten billion times brighter than the Sun to reveal the secrets of statues, mummies and sarcophagi. The imaging facility at the Diamond...

- 'super-scope' To See Hidden Texts
More about using light beams to reveal texts on unreadable manuscripts. The hidden content in ancient works could be illuminated by a light source 10 billion times brighter than the Sun. The technique employs Britain's new facility, the Diamond synchrotron,...

- Life And Death Of A Temple Singer
Meresamun is today a star in the world of Egyptian mummies a place she could never had imagined she would be 2800 years on. http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/meresamun/...

