X-Ray Imaging And Coherence Facility

X-Ray Imaging And Coherence Facility


Thanks to Kat for picking this one up. As she says it is not specific to Ancient Egypt but it is certainly relevant.

The University of Manchester has joined forces with Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron science facility, to produce a world-class imaging facility.

This will allow researchers in a wide range of fields to create high-quality 3D images of samples including engineering components, biomaterials, fossils, organic materials and energy devices such as fuel cells.

Due for completion in 2012, the X-ray Imaging and Coherence beamline at Diamond, I13, is designed for a broad range of scientific users from biomedicine, materials science, geophysics, astrophysics and archaeology.

Its two branch lines – called the ‘imaging' and ‘coherence' branches – will provide tools for non-destructive examination of internal features ranging from the micro (a few thousandths of a millimetre) to the nano (a few millionths of a millimetre) length scale.

- Online: New Imaging Methods To Improve Text Legibility Of Ostraca
PalArch Gregory Bearman, Mark S. Anderson & Kenneth Aitchison. 2011. New Imaging Methods to Improve Text Legibility of Ostraca – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 8(2) (2011) Abstract We report on experiments on three new methods...

- Online Journal: Spectral Imaging Of Ostraca
PalArch Gregory Bearman* & William A. Christens-Barry Bearman, G. & W.A. Christens-Barry. 2009. Spectral Imaging of Ostraca Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 6(7) (2009), 1-20. ABSTRACT By analogy with ancient texts, infrared...

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