Zahi Hawass Interview (Corrected)

Zahi Hawass Interview (Corrected)
The excellent Tour Egypt website has a new feature - an interview with the head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr Zahi Hawass. As usual, Dr Hawass does not pull his punches and is very clear about his stand on speculative archaeological theories from academically unqualified Egyptologists, his stand on rejecting certain projects, and his appoach to the return of ancient items removed illegitimately from Egypt. There is also reference to his recent work with the Saqqara Late Period mummies.
Thanks to Jimmy Dunn for notifying me about the item.

Thanks to my anonymous correspondent for informing me that I had misquoted the original article with an unintentional but incorrect reference to Dr Grimal (for which my apologies both to my visitors and Dr Grimal) - I have now updated the above article accordingly as of today 29th May 2005.

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