Zahi Hawass's New Website

Zahi Hawass's New Website
When you click on "Enter" the site loads a slide show with photos of Hawass next to various Ancient Egytian landmarks, but you can skip this by clicking on the "skip" link to the bottom right. The site has various articles, updates, speeches that Hawass has given, and a schedule of upcoming lectures. There are details about site management, and a piece about the Shinx controversy. Definately worth a look.

- Update On Hawass For anyone interested in the activities of Hawass, following his replacement, he has updated his website (see above link). The most interesting pieces of information that he imparts are that an artefact has been recently returned to the...

- More Photos From The Tomb Of Rudj-ka
Hawass Facebook (Zahi Hawass) Zahi Hawass has placed a good collection of photographs from the newly uncovered tomb on his Facebook site at the above page. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Saqqara Dentist Tomb Videos short video clip of the newly discovered tombs. A good panoramic view of the site helps to put the previously posted photographs into context. longer...

- Yet Another Article About Zahi Hawass In an article entitled The Show-Biz Pharaoh of Egypt's Antiquities, the New York Times looks at some of the controversies surrounding Zahi Hawass, quoting a number of opinions and citing the...

- Restoring Yesterday
Here Dr. Hawass talks about site management in Egypt today including beautiful restoration work at the Dendera temple.

