Brill Ancient Near East and Egypt Catalogue and Archive

Brill Ancient Near East and Egypt Catalogue and Archive

Brill have announced their new online catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian publications.

They have also announced that their journal archive will be available online:

BRILL announces the launch of the BRILL journal archive online. Brill announces that the content of virtually all of its older journal backfiles will become available online in early 2008. Brill currently publishes over 100 journals and subscribers already have access to journal articles published from 2000 onwards as part of their subscription.

The Brill Journal Archive Online will give access to over 50,000 articles published before the year 2000. Some of the journals started publication over a hundred years ago. Brill’s 2008 journal subscription prices have been developed to allow institutional subscribers access to the archival content of journals they subscribe to, for as long as subscriptions are maintained. Libraries and consortia wishing to acquire the archives in perpetuity will be able to purchase either subject packages or the entire collection of available archives. Access to the Brill journal archive will be of
great benefit to the academic community, enabling scholars to search a far broader range of content and to explore historical perspectives on their area of study and research. For more information, please click here. Our FAQ can be found here.

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- Palarch October 2007
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- More Re New Journal - Journal Of Egyptian History
BRILL As of 2008 Brill will publish the Journal of Egyptian History. For more information please contact The Journal of Egyptian History aims to encourage and stimulate a focused debate on writing and interpreting Egyptian history...

- New Title: Ancient Egyptian Chronology Now available from Brill publications: Ancient Egyptian Chronology Edited by Erik Hornung, Rolf Krauss, and David A. Warburton • ISBN 90 04 11385 1 • List price EUR 159.00 / US$ 215.00 • Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

