More re new journal - Journal of Egyptian History
As of 2008 Brill will publish the Journal of Egyptian History. For more information please contact The Journal of Egyptian History aims to encourage and stimulate a focused debate on writing and interpreting Egyptian history ranging from the Neolithic foundations of Ancient Egypt to its modern reception. It covers all aspects of Ancient Egyptian history (political, social, economic, and intellectual) and of modern historiography about Ancient Egypt (methodologies, hermeneutics, interplay between historiography and other disciplines, and history of modern Egyptological historiography). The journal is open to contributions in English, German, and French.
Editor: Thomas Schneider (Swansea). Editorial Board: Christian Cannuyer (Lille), Leo Depuydt (Providence), Aidan Dodson (Bristol), Andrea Gnirs-Loprieno (Basel), Karl Jansen-Winkeln (Berlin), Joe Manning (Stanford), Ludwig Morenz (Leipzig), Toby Wilkinson
Online: The Journal Of Egyptological Studies (bulgarian Institute Of Archaeology)
JES Articles in JES 1 (2004) and JES 2 (2005) are available for download as PDFs. The Journal of Egyptological Studies (JES) is published by the Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology. It is issued on an annual basis since September 2004. The JES is a result...
Online: Causing His Name To Live
The University of Memphis Thanks very much to Chuck Jones for posting this link on the Ancient World Online blog. Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane Culture and History of the Ancient Near...
Journal: J. Egyptian History
BRILL Journal of Egyptian History Volume 2, Numbers 1-2, 2009 Abstracts are available for each of the articles below on the above page. Articles The Buhen Horse: Fifty Years after Its Discovery (1958-2008) pp. 1-106(106) Authors: Raulwing, Peter; Clutton-Brock,...
New From Brill
Brill Journal of Egyptian Archaeology I have posted about the forthcoming launch of this new journal on a number of occasions. The Brill Newsletter has now provided a date for the first issue and a table of contents. Editors are: Editor: Thomas Schneider...
Brill Ancient Near East And Egypt Catalogue And Archive
Brill have announced their new online catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian publications. They have also announced that their journal archive will be available online: BRILL announces the launch of the BRILL journal archive online. Brill announces...