Daily Photo - Egypt at the Pitt-Rivers
After visiting the newly re-opened galleries at the Ashmolean in Oxford (U.K.), we made a visit to the Pitt-Rivers Museum. I've been to the Ashmolean many times but the Pitt-Rivers was new to me, and something of a surprise.
Artefacts are arranged by theme, irrespective of geography or time period. One cabinet, for example, had Egyptian Predynastic C-Ware and D-Ware alongside Nubian Meroitic and some Zuni and other southwest American ceramics. The model boat exhibit was truly mind-numbing in its scope. It is very difficult to make any sense of many of the cabinets, particularly since the lighting is so dim (many people had wind-up torches which were available from Reception, which added an additional sense of strangeness as the museum resonated to the sound of them being wound).
Apart from the torches, it felt like being transported back into a much earlier era of museum management. I truly enjoyed the experience, surrealistic as it was, but it does make me very grateful for modern museum labeling and chronologically ordered displays. The Pitt-Rivers is an important piece of museum archaeology in its own right.

Egyptian Archaeology 37
Egypt Exploration Society Mine turned up this morning. I haven't had the chance to do more than flip through it but the photographs from North Dashur and from the Book of the Dead exhibition are stunning. Egyptian Archaeology 37 (Autumn 2010) has...
Plans To Refurbish Egyptian Galleries At The Ashmolean
Oxford Mail (Reg Little) A £5M redevelopment is being planned at Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum to showcase the museum’s world famous collections from ancient Egypt. Only eight months after the new Ashmolean was opened by the Queen following a £61m...
A Visit To The Ashmolean Museum
For those of you who have read the blog over the last year you'll probably have noticed the occasonal report about the massive refurbishment at the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford, UK), which lead to it being closed for a period. I went with a friend to...
Daily Photo - D-ware At The Ashmolean
More from my recent visit to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford (UK). These items are all decorated in a style named D-Ware (Decorated Ware) by William Flinders Petrie, whose typology for Predynastic pottery still forms the basis of modern schemes. Egyptology...
Award For Oxford's Pitt-rivers & Natural History Museum,3604,1522009,00.html Thanks to my mother, former Oxford resident and Guardian reader for sending me this item: "The Pitt Rivers and Natural History Museum in Oxford won the Guardian Family Friendly Museum Award...