New Book: Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa

Heinrich Barth Institut Bookshop
I don't know exactly when during the year this book was released, but it was new to me at Poznan in early July.
The Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa is edited by Ofaf Bubenzer, Andreas Bolten and Frank Darius and published by the Heinrich-Barth Institute (Koln 2007). It is the 21st in the Africa Praehistorica series.
This is a fabulous book that breathes quality as soon as you turn the first page. It is full of colour illustrations, maps, diagrams and photographs which complement the excellent papers beautifully. The pages are so large that details on the diagrams and maps, which might have become lost in smaller publications, are clearly visible.
Unfortunately, the above site does not list the contents of the book, and it would take me too long to type them up myself. However, the contents are divided into five sections, containing 59 papers, a full bibliography and a set of fabulous satellite photographs. The sections are as follows:
The text is in English, but a booklet containing a German version of the text is contained within a pocket in the back cover.
Resource: Archatlas
Version 4 of ArchAtlas, the online atlas devoted to publishing visually-rich scholarly essays on archaeological questions has been released and can be found at either of the two following addresses:
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