Photo for Today - Temple of Kalabsha

Entrance to the hypostyle hall and open court
The scene below is one of several carved into one of the four panels
to the side of the entrance to the hypostyle hall, one of which can be
seen in the above photograph to the left of the entrance. This one shows
the king being purified by Thoth and Horus.

Photo For Today - More From Karnak
A view taken from beyond the Sacred Lake looking back to the 1st Pylon on the left with the Hypostyle Hall in the centre and the obelisks of Tuthmoses I and Hatshepsut on the right. Photograph and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks Egyptology News...
Photo For Today - More From Karnak
From the inside wall of the Hypostyle Hall. A relief shows Seti II in the Persea Tree. He wears the Blue Hemet and holds a Hek sceptre. Text and photo copyright Jon Bosworth, with my thanks. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
I've only posted the two most important news items today because right now I'm supposed to be driving from one side of Wales to the other for a short break at the coast. Somehow things have become a little fraught on the planning front! I'm...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
The deity Mandulis/Merwel with lotus flowers. Mandulis was a Lower Nubian deity often associated with Horus. Here he is shown in the form of a falcon with a human head, with his elaborate crown. Hypostyle Hall, New Kalabsha. Egyptology News Blog, Andie...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
Pronaos - hypostyle hall Temple of Kalabsha Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...